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Curriculum Vitae

Carolien van Iersel (04-09-1984)


BA Theater-, Film en

Televisiewetenschappen, Univeriteit Utrecht

BA Bachelor of Music classical singing,

HKU Utrechts Conservatorium

MA Master of Music, classical sining,

HKU Utrechts Conservatorium






Singing in Opera productions

Le nozze di Figaro                                        Contessa               Opera Tricolore 

Dido & Aenas (Purcell)                                 Belinda                 Purmerends Kamerkoor

Dido & Aenas (Purcell)                                 Sorceress             Nieuwgeins Kamerkoor

I Capuleti e i Montecchi (Bellini)                 Romeo                  HKU Utrechts Conservatorium
The Tempest (Purcell)                                  Spirit                      Holland Opera
Les dialogues des carmelites (Poulenc)    Soeur Mathilde    HKU Utrechts Conservatoriu


La Contessa - Le Nozze di Figaro - Mozart

Michaella - Carmen - Bizet

Marschallin - Der Rosenkavalier - R. Strauss

Rusalka - Rusalka - Dvorak

Marenka - The Barted Bride - Smetana

Lisa - Pique Dame

Mimi - La Bohéme

Miss Pinkerton - The Old Maid and the Thief - Menotti

Belinda - Dido & Aeneas - Purcell


Soprano - Petite Messe Solennelle - Rossini

Soprano - Stabat Mater - Szymanowski

Soprano - Pulcinella - Stravinsky

2nd Soprano - Matthaus Passion - Bach


Materclasses & Workshops

Masterclass ‘audition training’ from Abigail Richards

Masterclass ‘represenation and audition’ from Pieter Alfrink

Mime en physical training from Wilfred vd. Peppel and

Masterclass ‘Strauss Lieder’ from Rudolf Jansen and Charlotte Margiono

Masterclass ‘French Barok’ from Jill Feldman

Masterclass ‘Lichtenberg’ from Jon Thorsteinson

Mime and physical training from Wilfred vd Peppel and Ide van Heiningen

Drama classes from Gusta Gerritsen

Minor ´Theaterdramaturgie´ at the Hoge School voor de Kunsten Utrecht


​Other singing experience

Freelance singer in the choir of Dutch National Opera


Choir member of Het Nederlands Concertkoor, including Requim from Verdi,  9e symfonie from Beethoven and Te Deum from Diepenbrock.

Vocal coach for musicaltheater productions of the company Curtains Up

Regular singer of the national anthem for the city of Urecht, including before Her Majasty Queen Beatrix

Suikertantes                                Production- and Bureau Employee

(Chiel Meijering)                          Joke Holboom (rdirector), Niek idelenburg (conductor)

                                                      Holland Opera


Het Grachtenfestival                  Production assistent and on-site producer



A Vinganca da Cigana                Director

(Moreira)                                      André Cruz (conductor)

                                                      An indepentent production


De Speler/the Gambler             Directors assistent (internship)

(Prokovjef)                                   Andrea Breth (director), Marc Albrecht (conductor)

                                                      Dutch National opera


Die Zauberflöte                           Directors assistent + production team

(Mozart)                                        Gusta Teengs Gerritsen (director), Hans Leenders (conductor)

                                                       HKU Utrechts Conservatorium​

Tournedos Rossini                     Directors assistent + production leader (voorstellingleider)

(Rossini)                                       Gusta Teengs Gerritsen (director), Ivo Meinen (conductor)

                                                       Niek van der Sprong Theaterproducties + ArtEZ 

Cadmus & Hermione                 Directors assistent + production team

(Lully)                                            Gusta Teengs Gerritsen (director), Vincent de Kort (conductor)

                                                       HKUUtrechts Conservatorium​

Les dialogues des carmelites    Directors assistent

(Poulenc)                                      Gusta Teengs Gerritsen (director), Peter Nilsson (piano)

                                                       HKU Utrechts Conservatorium​

Dear Fox                                        Directors assistent

(Stuer & Ditmar)                           Robert Sian (director)

                                                        Fontys hogeschool voor de kunsten



Working in regie/production

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